
Aktualisieren der Zahlungsinformationen für das Abonnement

If you wish to update your payment information due to an expired or replaced credit card, or simply because you wish to use a different payment method this article will help.   If you already have a payment link similar to the example below, you can simply jump to Edit Subscription. If not, please follow the steps in the order below. 



Access the Renewal Page

Request a Payment Link

Edit Subscription 

Update Payment Method

Confirm Payment Method


Attempt to Renew

Access the Renewal Page, enter your serial number, and click Renew.  If you cannot locate your serial number, click here:  I Forgot My Product Key or Serial Number



Request a Payment Link

You will be notified that you are enrolled in the Automatic Renewal Program.  Select 'click here' and an e-mail will be sent to the address we have on file.  If you no longer have access to that e-mail address or you do not receive the e-mail, please Contact Support.



Edit Subscription

Access the link provided via e-mail and click the Edit Subscription option.  
(Note: The price displayed below is only for this example and your actual subscription pricing may vary) 



Update Payment Method

Choose the option to Update Payment Method and press Next


Confirm Payment Method 

Enter your card number or choose the option to pay via PayPal and press Update Payment Method



This will update your payment method and you will be billed again at the next subscription period.

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