Our X9 release is a free upgrade to our X8 product line. For more information about each product and to see what's new, click the links below:
VirusBarrier X9
VirusBarrier X9 has been updated to improve the customer experience with a new User Interface and increased scanner performance. This version also addresses a number of minor bugs and other issues.
- New: Revised and polished User Interface to improve the customer experience
- New: Improved scanning performance and malware detection
- New: Improved Anti-Phishing settings to protect your privacy
- Low priority scan setting to enhance system performance while scanning
- Audible alerts on scan completion
- Scan information available from Mac OS X Notification Center
- Easy-to-use Setup Assistant for first time users
- Keeps your computer free of known malware such as Mac viruses, Windows viruses, Linux viruses, Microsoft Word and Excel macro viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, adware, hacking tools, dialers, keyloggers, and scareware (fake security programs)
- Detects Windows malware to prevent your Mac from acting as a carrier
- On-demand malware scans, including full scans for maximum coverage of your entire Mac as well as quick scans for day-to-day use
- Scheduled scans
- 24/7 real-time protection that watches all file activity and makes sure you’re always protected
- Finds malware contained in archive files
- Scans for viruses in emails for popular email clients
- Scans for viruses on iOS devices and finds/eradicates viruses found in document directories on the devices
- Automatically scans external drives when they are mounted
- Flexible options for handling malware (automatically attempt to repair, quarantine malware for later action, or ask what to do on a case-by-case basis)
- Marks trusted folders to speed up scans
- Email notifications when malware is found
- History logs
NetBarrier X9
NetBarrier X9 is Intego's firewall program for Mac OS X. This version gives advanced users more control over the firewall and application rules of NetBarrier, while still providing novice users with a straightforward configuration for easy setup. This update also addresses a number of minor bugs and other issues.
- Enhanced rule functionality
- Ability to add IP addresses on port exceptions
- Ability to remove applications from application rules
- Ability to block both UDP and TCP protocols
- Access to rules that define which programs can send and receive information to and from your Mac
- Decide which programs can connect to a network, and which data they're forbidden from sending
- Defines the network communications that your Mac will allow
- Active application list identifies applications using bandwidth as well as incoming vs. outgoing bandwidth for each application
- Automatic profile switching detects when the network connection changes and makes it easy to select a new profile
- Easily blocks/allows connections for specific local devices
- Easily configures primary network channels to/from the Internet and to/from the local network
- Full-time application activity monitoring for anti-spyware measures
- Helps identify rogue applications accessing the Internet to act as zombies, expose your confidential information, or act as backdoors into your computer
- Automatic application activity notification whenever an application is trying to do something on the network (take simple actions to allow or deny the application to run or to interact with specific domains or local devices)
ContentBarrier X9
ContentBarrier X9 continues to be the premier solution for keeping your family safe from the dangers of the Internet. In addition to keeping your family protected, ContentBarrier makes it very easy for you to understand what your children are doing while they are on the network. This update also addresses a number of minor bugs and other issues.
- Blocks objectionable web content, including categories of content, specific web sites, sites with specific keywords, and access to sites requiring https
- Whitelist functionality allows users to access only sites you permit
- Access restrictions custom tailored per user (e.g., one account for yourself and a more restricted account for your child)
- Browser-embedded UI allows for overriding parental controls and allowing sites so long as the user has the necessary security credentials
- History of websites visited for each user account and the ability to easily block/allow a site from the history list
- Time of day restrictions on network access (restrict access to specific times of day/week, a maximum amount of time per day, or temporarily block a user for a set period of time or until you unblock them manually)
- AntiPredator chat monitoring for all standard chat protocols to watch for objectionable chat content and block inappropriate chats (receive email alerts whenever objectionable content is detected)
- View history of recorded chats, including the content of the chat and the ID of the chat partner
- Takes screenshots and includes a Time Machine-like control that lets you easily view recorded screens
- Records keystrokes
- Restricts application network access only to applications you allow
- Blocks inappropriate emails
- Blocks connections to game servers or streaming music and video
- Blocks peer-to-peer activity (e.g., BitTorrent)
- Contains a “monitor only” mode that records a user’s activity but does not provide any protections/perform any blocking
- Periodically updates filters to provide ongoing protection against objectionable content
- Web Administration Console allows anytime/anywhere access to ContentBarrier (view web activitiy and block/allow access to specific sites, allow exceptions to permitted network access times, and view blocked network applications and allow exceptions)
- Email activity reports (e.g., websites that were blocked, blocked chats via AntiPredator or keyword triggering, attempts to access encrypted sites)
Personal Backup X9
Intego Personal Backup X9 is a comprehensive backup solution for Mac OS X, protecting you from data loss by making copies of your documents, applications, and system files onto external media. The User Interface has been overhauled to provide a streamlined interface across all X9 products, and to make it easier to backup the files that matter most to you. Personal Backup can back up your files to most media solutions. At its simplest, backing up files with Personal Backup requires selecting a couple of folders and clicking the Add button. For more complex tasks, Personal Backup's advanced settings let you create backup tasks that perform multiple actions, and that can run on predetermined schedules. This version also addresses a number of minor bugs and other issues.
- New: Revised, polished, and streamlined User Interface to improve the customer experience
- New: Automatically wakes up remote computers for backups, and uses a disk image whenever needed
- New: Improved behavior preserves battery life by allowing users to disable schedules
- New: Near-continuous data protection as synchronizations are triggered as soon as a change is detected on a synced folder
- New: Saves time with dramatically reduced backup time
- New: When backup destination is not connected, Personal Backup will silently retry later
- New: Ability to perform bootable backups while keeping multiple versions of documents
- New: More flexible, easy to use filter / exception system
- New: Now possible to launch several Tasks simultaneously
- New: The Preview functionality has been improved
- New: Logs display window
- Backs up your digital memories and important documents
- Offers a flexible configuration
- Creates backups for any folder or combination of folders on your Mac
- Backs up to many different types of media such as network drives (including both local and remote drives using FTP), or disk images for easy portability
- Creates bootable backups to easily rebuild your Mac in case of failure or other problems
- Synchronization backups allow you to keep two locations in perfect harmony and flexible configuration for handling conflicts (e.g., when files have changed on each side of the synchronization operation)
- Schedule backups to run when you choose or run them manually
- Highly customizable backup flows (create multiple backup flows, pre-process your files by invoking actions before backing them up, easily create backups that copy or exclude certain types of files, or run post backup tasks or operations such as unmounts on the target drive)
- Schedule backups based on time or on external destination drive connection
Washing Machine X9

Washing Machine X9 is Intego's cleaning utility program for Mac OS X. It increases your Mac's speed and performance by scrubbing away old and unused files that bog it down. It helps you recover disk space by locating unnecessary duplicate files that could be wasting space. Washing Machine can also organize your Mac to increase your productivity and keep your Desktop clutter free. This version also addresses a number of minor bugs and other issues.
- Frees space on your Mac by cleaning the unnecessary files that accumulate through daily use
- Empties caches, downloads, languages, logs and trash that could be filling up your hard drive
- Remove duplicate files that could be wasting precious space
- Organizes your Dock for better productivity
- Creates Smart Folders to quickly access your most used and important files
- Organizes your Desktop to keep it clutter free and optimize effeciency
- Erase using “Secure Clean,” which not only deletes files but actually overwrites the places on the disk where that content actually resided so all traces of the files are really gone