Checking For Updates With X9, X8 or 2013
Checking For Updates With X6
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Checking For Updates With X9, X8 or 2013
You can check for updates through VirusBarrier X9 by clicking 'Installed Definitions' in the upper right corner of the VirusBarrier window:
You can also open NetUpdate from the Intego menu, which is in your menu bar across the top of your computer screen (upper right corner):
Your software can also be found in your Applications > Intego Folder. Open a new Finder window and navigate to the Applications Folder:
You will see a list of all of your Intego Applications. Double-click NetUpdate to launch:
No matter how you launch NetUpdate, the program connects to Intego's server to determine whether you have the latest version of your Intego software installed. If a new version is available, you will be able to download and install it using NetUpdate.
When NetUpdate connects to the Intego server, it displays a list of available updates. Applications whose names are not present are either not currently installed on your Mac or do not have any available updates. You will, however, always see products that require a subscription even if there is not an update available. This is so you can check how much time remains on your subscription.
This list shows for each application the Name, Version, Size of the update, and Expiration Date of the subscription. You can choose whether or not to install updates by checking or unchecking the box in the Install column. (Note: Definitions and Filters displayed in this window that are shaded gray indicate that they have already been installed and no further action is necessary)
A dialog box displays asking you for your administrator's password; only users with administrator's privileges can download and install updates using NetUpdate. After you enter the correct password, NetUpdate will automatically download the selected update(s) to your computer, and will install it or them as soon as the download has completed. In some cases, you may need to restart your Mac after NetUpdate has finished installing updates.
Checking For Updates With X6
Each of Intego's X6 programs contains a Check now… button in the NetUpdate status bar. You will see this bar at the top of the program's window; if it is not visible, choose View > Show NetUpdate Status Bar to display it. To check for updates, click the Check now button as shown in the window below from Intego VirusBarrier X6:
You can also open NetUpdate from the Intego menu, which is in your top menu bar in the upper right corner of your screen:
Your software can also be found in your Applications folder. Open a new Finder window and navigate to the Applications folder. Locate NetUpdate in the list and double-click to launch:
No matter how you launch NetUpdate, the program connects to Intego's server to determine whether you have the latest versions of the Intego programs, support files, and virus definitions or other filters installed on your computer. If new versions are available, you will be able to download and install them using NetUpdate.
When NetUpdate connects to the Intego server, it displays a list of available updates. Applications whose names are not present are either not currently installed on your Mac or do not have any available updates. You will, however, always see products that require a subscription even if there is not an update available. This is so you can check how much time remains on your subscription.
This list shows for each application the Name, Version, Size of the update, and Expiration Date of the subscription. You can choose whether or not to install updates by checking or unchecking the box in the Install column. (Note: Filters displayed in this window that are shaded gray indicate that they have already been installed and no further action is necessary)
A dialog box displays asking you for your administrator's password; only users with administrator's privileges can download and install updates using NetUpdate. After you enter the correct password, NetUpdate will automatically download the selected update(s) to your computer, and will install it or them as soon as the download has completed. In some cases, you may need to restart your Mac after NetUpdate has finished installing updates.