At any point during your subscription you can disable the automatic renewal for the following cycle, or you can cancel entirely. This action will not provide a refund if you were recently charged for a renewal.
Simply cancelling your subscription will disable the automatic renewal, so that you are not charged the following subscription period. Your subscription will remain active until your expiration date.
Intego offers the automatic renewal service to our customers to ensure the continuity of protection for their devices so they remain protected 24/7 from malware, hackers, and other online threats.
Benefits of Automatic Renewal
- No Lapse in Coverage: Automatically charges the regular renewal subscription fee (plus applicable taxes) prior to expiration of your product subscription to your credit or debit card — so you don't have to worry about becoming unprotected!
- Stay Up to Date and Notified of Your Subscription Status: You will receive a notification shortly before your subscription expires and before any payment is billed to alert you that your product subscription will be automatically renewed.
- Exclusive Offers and Discounts: Access to exclusive discounts and offers on Intego products and services.
Cancelling Within Your Intego Account
Cancelling Through Renewal Email
Cancelling Within Your Intego Account
You can manage your subscription and billing status directly within your Intego Account online.
Login to Your Intego Account
Click on the My Account button to display your Subscription and Billing information.
Within the Subscription and Billing section, click on Cancel Subscription.
You will see an alert window appear, requiring you to confirm the cancellation. Click the green Cancel Subscription button. If you do not complete this step, the subscription will not cancel. You can also close the window without cancelling by clicking Not Now.
After the cancellation is confirmed, you will see your subscription status updated within the Subscription and Billing section. A secondary confirmation of the cancellation will be emailed to the address on file for your Intego subscription.
Cancelling Through Renewal Email
You can also cancel your Intego subscription using the renewal email you will receive prior to your renewal date. These email communications are sent by either of our payment processors, FastSpring and 2Checkout.
The steps below will show you how to cancel your subscription with each payment processor.
For FastSpring, you can simply click the Cancel Subscription option.
A confirmation of cancellation will appear on the page and a secondary confirmation will be emailed to the address on file for your Intego subscription.
With 2Checkout, you will be prompted to login to your account, so that you can manage your subscription.
Click on My Products in the top menu bar.
Locate your active Intego subscription within the subscription list and select Stop Automatic Subscription Renewal.
A new window will appear where you can confirm the cancellation. To cancel all future renewals, click on the red option in the lower left corner of the window for 'Stop auto-renewal.'
A secondary confirmation will be emailed to the address on file for your Intego subscription.
Contact Intego Support
If you still have questions about your subscription and cannot find the answer in this article or our Knowledge Base, please contact our Support Team directly for assistance by completing a support ticket online here:
Contact Support