
How to Block Email and Filter Inappropriate Emails with ContentBarrier

While chatting and web browsing are two of the most popular Internet activities, ContentBarrier also provides filtering for other types of Internet access.  ContentBarrier allows you to apply its built-in content filters to e-mail messages that are transferred through any e-mail program.

To adjust settings for these, open ContentBarrier and click on the Configuration tab, then click the Advanced button.





Under the Monitor Content section, your three options for email filtering are:

1. Allow e-mail: All e-mail will be allowed through.

2. Try to filter inappropriate e-mails: ContentBarrier will scrutinize the contents of incoming and outgoing e-mail and block those that it believes are dangerous.
ContentBarrier uses the entire list of AntiPredator phrases for this filtering; even if you have only activated certain phrases in the Chat Filtering preferences, those
choices do not affect e-mail filtering.

3. Block e-mail: Forbids all e-mail from coming through standard e-mail programs. Note, however, that this setting will not affect e-mail delivered in other ways, for
example on message boards or websites.

ContentBarrier can also filter Usenet newsgroups, which offer discussion forums using a specific protocol and software. To activate newsgroup filtering for a selected user, check the Block newsgroups box. 

This setting will only block newsgroups that are accessed through such software, and will not affect those that are displayed on a web page. However, you can block
those websites by checking the Newsgroups category in the Web filtering screen.


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