Scheduling For Updates With X9, X8 or 2013
Scheduling For Updates With X6
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Scheduling For Updates With X9, X8 or 2013
You can check for updates through VirusBarrier X9 by clicking Installed Definitions in the upper right corner of the VirusBarrier window:
Your software can also be found in your Applications > Intego Folder. Open a new Finder window and navigate to the Applications Folder:
You will see a list of all of your Intego Applications. Double-click NetUpdate to launch:
Select the Scheduling tab.
Place a check mark in the Automatically Check for Updates box.
You can schedule a check for updates: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Note: The Mac has to be up and running for the schedule work. This Apple Knowledge Base Article will help you modify your Mac settings to prevent it from going to sleep.
Scheduling For Updates With X6
Launch Mac OS X System Preferences.
Click on NetUpdate (located under the OTHER section).
Click on the Scheduling tab.
Place a check mark in the ‘Automatically Check for Updates’ box.
You can schedule a check for Intego updates Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Note: The Mac has to be up and running for the schedule work. This Apple Knowledge Base Article will help you modify your Mac settings to prevent it from going to sleep.