
Personal Backup X9: What Is the Best Cloning Procedure?

Cloning is used primarily to create a bootable copy of your internal macOS hard drive.  If your Mac is currently running macOS Big Sur or higher, please view the following information prior to attempting a Bootable Backup with Personal Backup:

Bootable Backup Compatibility with macOS Big Sur and Higher


Erase the Destination Volume with Disk Utility

First, open Disk Utility from your Applications > Utilities folder.  Select the volume to be used from the left column and use the Erase option at the top to format the disk.  (Note: Erasing a volume will delete ALL content from the device. Make sure you have chosen the correct destination before confirming this choice)

The format should be APFS:


Name the volume and select Erase to complete the process.


Reboot Your Mac


Launch the Cloning Process Called Bootable Backup

Once your Mac has restarted, open Personal Backup from the Applications > Intego folder and select the task option called Bootable Backup from the top of the window.



About the Cloning Process

Personal Backup X9 makes a clone in two steps:

1. Preflight

A comparison is made of the source and destination in order to define which files need to be copied to the destination.



2. Copying

This is when files are actually being moved to the destination. 


Personal Backup X9 may report errors after the process has completed. These errors are caused because some files have disappeared from the source between the preparation and the copy process (temporary files created by the system, hidden files created by some applications, or expired cookies...).  This is why it is important to quit all applications if possible, except Personal Backup.  

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