
Intego Installer Will Not Open

Some users have reported that they are unable to open their Intego Installer file and that it is unresponsive.  This could be caused by macOS issues, or malware preventing the installer file from opening as expected.

If you cannot get the Intego Installer file to open on your Mac, please follow these instructions:


1. Open the Intego Installer and select 'Double Click to Install'

Mac Premium Bundle .png

2. Right-Click (or Control-Click) on 'Double Click to Install' and select 'Show Package Contents'  

Show Package Contents.png

3. A new Finder window appears.  Open the 'Contents' folder inside


4. Open the 'Resources' folder



5. Find the .pkg file with the name of your Intego Installer and double-click


6. The Intego Installer should now launch as expected and you can proceed with installation 

Allow Install.png

Start Install.png

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