
"Double Click to Install" Can't Be Opened Because It Was Not Downloaded From the App Store

Apple utilizes a feature within macOS called Gatekeeper that is meant to make sure only trusted and safe software runs on your Mac. When you download and install applications from outside of the App Store, Gatekeeper may show an alert prompt on screen prior to allowing you to open the app, or it may prevent the app from opening. The prompt will appear like the one in the image below:


If you cannot open your Intego installer, you may need to change your security settings to allow the installation file to open. Depending on the version of macOS installed on your Mac, the steps to allow access can differ slightly.

macOS Ventura and Higher
macOS Monterey and Lower

macOS Ventura

Within macOS Ventura, you can open System Settings, and navigate to the Privacy and Security option within the left side menu.


After select Privacy and Security in the left side menu, scroll down to the Security section and select the option 'App Store and identified developers.'


macOS Monterey and lower

This can be done easily from within the Security and Privacy section of System Preferences on your Mac. You will want to select the option for 'App Store and identified developers.' Intego is an identified developer with Apple, and selecting this option will allow the Intego installer file to open as expected.System_Preferences.png

Inside of the Security and Privacy section of System Preferences, click on the General tab in the upper center area of the window, this will bring you to to a window like the one below. There is a small golden padlock located in the lower left corner. If it is closed, click on the padlock and enter your Mac's admin password, this may also be your login password, and the padlock will open.


Once the padlock is open, you can change the option in the lower half of the window that says 'Allow apps downloaded from:' You will want to select the option for 'App Store and identified developers.' Intego is an identified developer with Apple, and selecting this option will allow the Intego installer file to open as expected.


After you have selected the correct option, click on the padlock again to close it and exit the System Preferences window. Now when attempting to open the Intego installer file, you should see a message like the one below:


Click on 'Open' and you should be able to continue with the installation of your Intego software.


Intego Support Guy

If you still have issues downloading and installing your Intego software after following these steps, you can contact our Support Team directly for assistance by completing a support ticket online here:

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