If you wish to update your payment information due to an expired or replaced credit card, or simply because you wish to use a different payment method, this article will help. Follow the steps below to successfully update your payment method on file for your Intego subscription(s).
Signing Into Your Intego Account
Updating Your Payment Method With FastSpring
Updating Your Payment Method With 2Checkout
Signing Into Your Intego Account
If you need to view your subscription information or update the payment method you have on file for your active Intego Subscription, you can do so by signing into your Intego Account.
Click Here to Sign Into Your Intego Account
Once you have signed in you will see the option for the My Account button.
From the My Account page, you will see the Subscription and Billing section in the lower half of the page. Here you will find the Payment Method option, like in the image below:
Clicking on the Manage Subscription link will direct you to the payment processor that handles your subscription payments (either FastSpring or 2CheckOut). From here you can update payment method as required. If 2CheckOut is your payment processor, you will be required to log into your 2CheckOut account, which is separate from your Intego Account login.
For more information about FastSpring and 2Checkout, and how to access your 2Checkout account, please visit these below:
Updating Your Payment Method With FastSpring
When selecting the option to update your payment method via FastSpring, you will be redirected to your subscription page. Click the option to Edit Subscription, on the left side of the page.
On the next page, select the option to Update Payment Method.
Now you can select the type of payment method you would prefer, Credit Card or PayPal. Clicking either option will allow you to proceed.
When selecting Credit Card, you will be prompted to enter your updated payment information. Once everything has been entered completely, click the green Update Payment Method button.
When selecting PayPal Account, you will be redirected to PayPal's website, where you can enter your PayPal login credentials to proceed.
Updating Your Payment Method With 2Checkout
In order to update your payment method via 2Checkout, you will need to have access to your 2Checkout account. This is separate from and not associated with your Intego account. You can access or sign up for your 2Checkout account at the link below:
Once you have logged into your account, click on the Payment Methods tab in the top menu bar of the page. Then you can select your payment method type, depending on the accepted payment types for your region.
To update using a credit card, click on the green button for Add a New Card. A small window will appear where you can enter your updated payment information. Once you have entered these details, click on the Save button.
To update using a PayPal account, click on the button for Add New PayPal Account. A small window will appear where you can enter your email address associated with your PayPal account. Once you have entered these details, click on the Save button. You may be redirected to PayPal to provide your PayPal login credentials.