
Authentication Failed Error While Serializing



First, make sure that you are connected to the internet while attempting to serialize.

NetUpdate and VirusBarrier require access to ports 80 and 8079 in order to download updates properly and authenticate.  Please check for any firewall or local network settings that may be blocking this communication.  This may include any modem or router with firewall capabilities. 


Try the following instructions:

- While holding down the Option/Alt key on your keyboard, open the NetUpdate application from Applications > Intego
- Enter an e-mail address and a password if necessary.  This should allow you to activate your NetUpdate account.
- NetUpdate should display the list of all software updates available for Intego software
- Once the verification is complete, launch VirusBarrier
- Type your serial number and validate the dialog
- The authentication should be accepted now.

It's also possible you might have accidentally configured NetBarrier to block NetUpdate.   You can turn off NetBarrier temporarily to see if this is the issue:

How to Disable NetBarrier 

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